Ali Nuri Çolakoğlu Vocational and Technical Anadolu Lycee

The Ali Nuri Çolakoğlu Vocational and Technical Anadolu Lycee admitted its first students in the 2016-2017 academic year. Located in Gebze and built with the support of Çolakoğlu® Metalurji, the school occupies a campus of 20,000 m2 and 28 classrooms and has an enrollment of 952 students. It is the most modern and best-equipped educational institution of its kind in the vicinity. The Ali Nuri Çolakoğlu Vocational and Technical Anadolu Lycee provides instruction in such areas as renewable energy technologies, industrial automation technologies, and electrical and electronic technologies. Versed in subjects that are becoming increasingly more important in today’s world, the school’s graduates are being given a head start as they embark on careers with a promising future. Distinguished by a superior teaching staff and physical assets, this school also provides its students with an innovative learning environment in the form of a modern and high-quality campus consisting of three science laboratories, four workshops, a 300-seat auditorium, a cafeteria, and indoor and outdoor sport facilities.